Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blue Moon and the Paradigm Shift in My Life (Formerly Known As: "What Blue Moon Means to Me (An Essay)" )

2017 started off to be one of the worst years of my life (please excuse the emo intro), I moved back in with my dad, my wife and I started our divorce, and my son decided to move back in with his mom in Utah.  I had spent a long time not looking in the mirror and had a lot of emotional steps to climb.  April was one of the darkest months for me, I know because Facebook likes to remind me in my memories from 1 year ago.  I was struggling with everything and was starting to get really ugly thoughts.  I felt pretty useless and drone like. 

But around this time last year, I met someone at work that kept begging me to come out to open mic and join the little music scene.  Reassuring me that for such a small town, it's a really tight knit group and we all care very much for each other.  I had lived in big cities for the last 12 years, so I thought, it can't be better than that, and those weren't that great.  After a few weeks, he convinced me to go.  I showed up and it wasn't a small venue.  It was an actual stage, with stage lights, monitors, a sound was like bigtime and anyone could go up if they wanted.  I loved it, and met some of the people, they immediately accepted me with all my shortcomings and all my flaws and depressing songs about love.  

I got the music bug again.  The next weekend there was a first annual music festival that I was invited to come hang out at, and I joined in the fun of that as well.  I realized that for such a small town of 26,000 people, it truly did have a HUGE musical community.  After a few weeks of playing down at the open mic, I was starting to feel part of this family, but still didn't realize the true breadth of it and the magic that existed.  

It was then that an invitation to the annual Blue Moon Festival in July was given to me.  I didn't know exactly what it was.  They said that they all go camping and play music and have a good time up in the woods.  I have been camping before.  I said, cool, I'll bring my tent.  they kinda chuckled and said they have cabins and a mess hall and a stage and showers etc.  I started realizing that it was bigger than I thought.  

When I showed up, I was in a pretty big slump emotionally and almost didn't go, but I enjoy being around other musicians and they all seemed to be pretty excited about going.  So I get there and see the stage already set up, the chairs set out, the cabins lining the woods and everyone already having a great time.  I can't go into details because I've sworn an oath of instant death, so I can't even begin to say what happens up there.  However, I can tell you this, during my 3 days at Blue Moon, I was accepted, my spirits lifted up, my soul cleansed, and everything in me knew that things were going to be ok.  

Please watch this full 2:24 video to get a taste of what Blue Moon feels like.  

A million laughs, even more hugs, moshing, amazing musicians, tears, playing for others, photos, food, and good times were had in those mountains.  I came home a different person.  Now I am not someone that believes in spirituality or an type of theistic dogmatic viewpoints, but I can say this.  There was magic at Blue Moon.  It completely changed my outlook on life and my sense of musical connection with people and community.  I can never thank them enough for saving me.  

To commemorate such a tremendous occasion, I have permanently inked a tattoo (pictured below) in the honor of blue moon to fully represent that even when it's dark and gloomy and raining, you gotta let the color shower your life and go with the flow.  There is so much beauty out there.  

Thank you Jamily!
Tattoo By: Michelle Findley